The main objective of the BOSQUE COLOMBIANO ORG Corporation during the year 2021, was the recovery of the species harmed by the fires in the Colombian Amazon forests. Then the initiatives implemented.
In 2021, activities of both conservation and environmental education, which are described in this report. Equally and not least, the fact that there was a significant increase in conservation and ecotourism activities stands out.
Conservation: during 2021, the BOSQUE COLOMBIANO ORG corporation implemented 6 conservation projects successfully (see description, below), financed by international cooperation and small donations through digital media, for a total raised of US $ 133,000.
A total of 47,000 Hectares for environmental reserves were linked to SINAP. Currently the reforestation project in the Amazon territory for compensation with the LAX consortium, 144 ha were reforested in the Las Tangaras RNA with native species and its maintenance was executed for 6 months; on the other hand, the project of
reforestation and maintenance for compensation with EPSA (Roncesvalles) of 38 ha within the RNA Loros Andinos is in the terminal phase, delivering on time the fourth maintenance of the 6 raised in the agreement; In the Amazon Garden area, the signing of 13 ARAs (Reciprocal Water Agreements) was achieved, representing 552 ha directly under conservation by the community, 17 active and established ecological easements since 2010 located in the San Vicente de Chucuri area they have constant maintenance; Finally, the work carried out within the reservations of the Ticuna and Arahuc indigenous reservations; carried out by the rangers is one of the most important activities of the corporation, monthly
The volunteer rangers carry out activities such as: surveillance and routes along boundaries, reforestation, infrastructure maintenance, trails, main roads, participate in meetings with the community, receive training for population monitoring of species subject to conservation, among other activities.
Environmental education: In 2021, community work and ecological education was carried out in 10 departments of Colombia, we have 89 related Friends Schools, with 16,000 people registered, forming 5 ecological groups for adults with a total of 230 people registered, forming the first Group of Rural Science in the municipality of San Vicente de Chucuri and active participation of 17,450 people among children, youth, adults and older adults in the celebration of 15 mass events (campaigns and festivals).


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