Dear friends,
Throughout history we have faced great challenges, but none like the pandemic that paralyzed the world during 2020-2022. Although the origin of COVID -19 is not entirely clear, we know that its expansion was faster in societies facing environmental crises. Today more than ever, life tests our resilience to get ahead in all our missions and plans for the good of the planet and families.
Despite the residual difficulties, risks and limitations; T HE
F OUND ATION BOSQUE COLOMBIANO continued with its mission of protecting, conserving, and restoring Andean ecosystems by working together with our local allies, donors, and strategic partners, during 2022. We managed to exceed the annual reforestation goal, expand our conservation areas, monitor species in danger and bring help to the Andean and Amazon communities, which are the strong arm of our actions on the ground. We were not oblivious to the residual consequences of the pandemic; but the implementation of biosecurity measures and the constant medical advice gave us the tools to respond promptly, without panic and effectively to the commitments of our projects. We appreciate the valuable contribution of all people who made these achievements possible.
A sick planet shows us its symptoms, and the aggressive response of our society to reactivate the world economy puts the sustainable use of natural resources at risk. This panorama is the preamble of a social change to understand the importance of nature in the stability of the planet. The next few years will continue to be challenging, but one thing is certain: we can overcome the challenges, we have the opportunity to save our home, the Earth, conservation cannot stop.
A big hug to all, let’s keep taking care of ourselves.

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