The extinction of the Palorosa ‘Aniba rosaeodora Ducke’ is imminent. He is found only in three locations in the Amazon and nationwide is listed in the Red Book of Endangered Species as Critically Endangered. Although, it exists in three countries (Peru, Colombia and Brazil). The BOSQUE COLOMBIANO ORG has designed the ‘MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR THE CONSERVATION OF PALOROSA (Aniba rosaeodora). This plan presents the steps and processes to be carried out to achieve the conservation of the Palorosa, through the establishment of favorable policies for its conservation and recovery, the realization of the conservation programs “in situ” or natural habitat and the establishment of a program “ex situ” reproduction, for which the species was incorporated into the botanical gardens of the Ticuna indigenous community (beneficiary and ally of the plan). The main threats of this tree are 3: (i) illegal traffic (Appendix II of CITES). (ii) Illegal mining and agricultural activities. (iii) Forest fires.
Bosques y Vida Silvestre